CANopen DS402

What is CANopen DS402?

The DS402 (previously known as DSP402) is the reference profile for drives and motion controllers based on the standard CANopen protocol (introduced and managed since 1995 by the CiA group, CAN in Automation).

Originally used only on CANbus fieldbuses, the CANopen protocol, in recent years, has also been widely used in other much faster and high performance fieldbuses such as EtherCAT.

Today CANopen and DS402 are part of the IEC 61800-7 standard.

What are the advantages of CANopen DS402 (IEC 61800-7-201)?

A profile defines a device as 'standard' and, as such, it has to respect basic rules and functionality. Mandatory features are required to ensure that operation is possible.

The advantages of the approach to CANopen DS402 profile are:

  • system integration
  • standardization of the device

The profile obliges the device manufacturer to meet the required standard requirements and, consequently, it greatly reduces the effort required in integrating the system into an application.

Ever Elettronica Ethercat and Canopen DS402 drives

Ever Elettronica, as mentioned, has been one of the first Italian companies to implement and validate the CANopen protocol and the DS402 on its drives for stepper motors and brushless motors, starting from the early 90s.

In 2012, EtherCAT fieldbus was introduced, obtaining conformity certification through the 'Beckhoff ET9400 Conformance Test'.
Ever Elettronica EtherCAT drives implement the (CoE) CAN application protocol over EtharCAT.

ATo date, Ever Elettronica drives for stepper motors and brushless motors have been used and approved for many years on different types of applications with the main manufacturers of Ethercat and CANbus PLC masters on the market (Omron, Beckhoff, etc).

EtherCAT and DS402 are available on all types of Ever Elettronica drives for stepper motors and brushless motors (brushless DC and brushless AC). The potential of EtherCAT and DS402, associated with the vector control of the motor current and the management of the torque control of Ever Elettronica drives, guarantee an highly performing and reliable product.

Ever Elettronica drives for stepper motors and brushless motors (brushless DC and brushless AC) ensure accurate and precise tracking of the motion trajectories generated and required by the EtherCAT master with CSP, CSV, CST interpolated modes, even in the presence of high tracking dynamics.

Moreover, they ensure smooth movements, damping of vibrations and motors resonances and a drastic reduction in noise and motors overheating.

Learn more about our CANopen DS402 drives for stepper motors and brushless motors

CANopen DS402

Products of CANopen DS402
AC Servodrives for AC brushless motors with CANbus or Modbus RTU fieldbus

AC Servodrives for AC brushless motors with CANbus or Modbus RTU fieldbus

AC Servodrives for AC brushless motors with CANbus or Modbus RTU fieldbus

AC Servodrives for AC brushless motors with CANbus or Modbus RTU fieldbus

Programmable drives Vanadio serie with PLC functions, AC powered and complete with CANbus and Modbus fieldbus for brushless AC motors.

Programmable drives Vanadio serie with PLC functions, AC powered and complete with CANbus and Modbus fieldbus for brushless AC motors.

Fieldbus vectorial drive for 2 phases stepper motors "Titanio" line.

Fieldbus vectorial drive for 2 phases stepper motors "Titanio" line.

Programmable fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder for closed loop control

Programmable fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder for closed loop control

Programmable fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor.

Programmable fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive "Titanio" line with integrated motor and encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive "Titanio" line with integrated motor and encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 3.4 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 4.5 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 4.5 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 4.5 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 4.5 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 4.5 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 4.5 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 4.5 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 4.5 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 4.5 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 4.5 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 4.5 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 4.5 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Motion controller, gateway and PLC in one device with fieldbus Modbus TCP/IP, Canopen and Modbus-RTU.

Motion controller, gateway and PLC in one device with fieldbus Modbus TCP/IP, Canopen and Modbus-RTU.

Motion controller, gateway and PLC in one device with fieldbus Modbus TCP/IP, EtherCAT, Canopen and Modbus-RTU.

Motion controller, gateway and PLC in one device with fieldbus Modbus TCP/IP, EtherCAT, Canopen and Modbus-RTU.

Motion controller, gateway and PLC in one device with fieldbus Modbus TCP/IP, Canopen, Profinet and Modbus-RTU.

Motion controller, gateway and PLC in one device with fieldbus Modbus TCP/IP, Canopen, Profinet and Modbus-RTU.

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

BLDC motors with integrated fieldbus drives

Fieldbus programmable vectorial drive for 2 phases stepper motors "Titanio" line.

Fieldbus programmable vectorial drive for 2 phases stepper motors "Titanio" line.

Fieldbus programmable vectorial drive for 2 phases stepper motors "Titanio" line.

Fieldbus programmable vectorial drive for 2 phases stepper motors "Titanio" line.

Fieldbus programmable vectorial drive for 2 phases stepper motors "Titanio" line.

Fieldbus programmable vectorial drive for 2 phases stepper motors "Titanio" line.

Programmable drives Vanadio serie with PLC functions, mains 240 Vac powered and complete with CANbus and Modbus fieldbus for brushless AC motors.

Programmable drives Vanadio serie with PLC functions, mains 240 Vac powered and complete with CANbus and Modbus fieldbus for brushless AC motors.

Programmable drives Vanadio serie with PLC functions, mains 240 Vac powered and complete with CANbus and Modbus fieldbus for brushless AC motors.

Programmable drives Vanadio serie with PLC functions, mains 240 Vac powered and complete with CANbus and Modbus fieldbus for brushless AC motors.

CANopen and Modbus-RTU fieldbus drives with AC power supply for AC brushless motors.

CANopen and Modbus-RTU fieldbus drives with AC power supply for AC brushless motors.

Fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

Fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

Fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

Fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

Fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

Fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

CANopen and Modbus-RTU fieldbus drives with AC power supply for AC brushless motors.

CANopen and Modbus-RTU fieldbus drives with AC power supply for AC brushless motors.

Open Frame vector drive 'Titanio Line' for 2-phases stepper motors with fieldbus controls.

Open Frame vector drive 'Titanio Line' for 2-phases stepper motors with fieldbus controls.

Configuration environment for SlimLine drives with CANbus fieldbus interface.

Configuration environment for SlimLine drives with CANbus fieldbus interface.

Open Frame vector drive 'Titanio Line' for 2-phases stepper motors with fieldbus controls.

Open Frame vector drive 'Titanio Line' for 2-phases stepper motors with fieldbus controls.

Fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

Fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

Fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

Fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 7.0 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 8.5 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 8.5 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 8.5 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 8.5 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 8.5 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 8.5 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 8.5 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 8.5 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 8.5 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 8.5 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 8.5 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 8.5 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 12.5 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 12.5 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 12.5 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 12.5 Nm motor.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 12.5 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 12.5 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 12.5 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 12.5 Nm motor and incremental / absolute single turn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 12.5 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 12.5 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Open Frame vector drive 'Titanio Line' for 3-phase stepper motors with fieldbus controls.

Open Frame vector drive 'Titanio Line' for 3-phase stepper motors with fieldbus controls.

Open Frame vector drive 'Titanio Line' for 3-phase stepper motors with fieldbus controls.

Open Frame vector drive 'Titanio Line' for 3-phase stepper motors with fieldbus controls.

Fieldbus vectorial drive for 3 phases stepper motors "Titanio" line.

Fieldbus vectorial drive for 3 phases stepper motors "Titanio" line.

Fieldbus vectorial drive for 3 phases stepper motors "Titanio" line.

Fieldbus vectorial drive for 3 phases stepper motors "Titanio" line.

Open Frame vector drive 'Titanio Line' for 2-phases stepper motors with fieldbus controls.

Open Frame vector drive 'Titanio Line' for 2-phases stepper motors with fieldbus controls.

Fieldbus programmable drive for 2 phases stepper motors "SlimLine" line.

Fieldbus programmable drive for 2 phases stepper motors "SlimLine" line.

Fieldbus programmable drive for 2 phases stepper motors "SlimLine" line.

Fieldbus programmable drive for 2 phases stepper motors "SlimLine" line.

Fieldbus programmable drive for 2 phases stepper motors "SlimLine" line.

Fieldbus programmable drive for 2 phases stepper motors "SlimLine" line.

Fieldbus programmable drive for 2 phases stepper motors "SlimLine" line.

Fieldbus programmable drive for 2 phases stepper motors "SlimLine" line.

Fieldbus programmable drive for 2 phases stepper motors "SlimLine" line.

Fieldbus programmable drive for 2 phases stepper motors "SlimLine" line.

CANbus and Modbus RTU fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

CANbus and Modbus RTU fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

CANbus and Modbus RTU fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

CANbus and Modbus RTU fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

CANbus and Modbus RTU fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

CANbus and Modbus RTU fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

CANbus and Modbus RTU fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

CANbus and Modbus RTU fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

CANbus and Modbus RTU fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

CANbus and Modbus RTU fieldbus vectorial drive 'Titanio' line for 2 phases stepper motors

Motion controller, gateway and PLC in one device.

Motion controller, gateway and PLC in one device.

CANopen and Modbus-RTU fieldbus drives with mains power supply 240 Vac for AC brushless motors.

CANopen and Modbus-RTU fieldbus drives with mains power supply 240 Vac for AC brushless motors.

Motion controller, gateway and PLC in one device.

Motion controller, gateway and PLC in one device.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 12.5 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

Fieldbus vectorial drive with integrated 12.5 Nm motor and absolute multiturn encoder.

CANopen and Modbus-RTU fieldbus drives with mains power supply 240 Vac for AC brushless motors.

CANopen and Modbus-RTU fieldbus drives with mains power supply 240 Vac for AC brushless motors.

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